Check in:
between 4 to 5 pm
Please contact us if you arrive after 6 pm
Check out
between 7h30 and 8h30 am
(8h30 last service)
The amount of the reservation is taken if the cancellation is requested 5 days before the reservation date or on an absence without notice (no show). An amount of $ 35 is taken on your credit card for a cancellation at any time. Cancellation must be requested in writing. A confirmation will be sent to you after the request in writing.
No discount will be granted for late arrivals and no refund will be given for early departures. No credit will be granted for a reservation without breakfast.
Fees will apply if any items are missing in our rooms and in our cottage.
Smoke-free establishments. Pets are not allowed in the inn, in the cottage and on the terrace.
The inn and the cottage is not adapted for people with reduced mobility
The terrace is reserved for the customer of the inn and the cottage.
No guests are allowed at the auberge and cottage.